Direct training
Duration: 18 hours
Number of credits: 1 credit
Short description
Learning the Albanian language and literature at school supports the building and development of competencies in other areas/subjects of the curriculum. Through the Albanian language and literature, students acquire knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes to communicate orally and in writing; read and understand different types of texts; enrich their vocabulary and worldview by reading literary and non-literary texts; learn to write different texts (opinions, reports, instructions, etc.); learn to use the language correctly in terms of grammar and spelling, etc. All these knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes are the elements that will be conveyed through this module.
Beneficiaries of this training
- teachers of the Albanian language subject in lower secondary education;
- teachers of the subject of Albanian language and literature in higher secondary education;
- heads of 9-year schools of the Albanian language profile;
- heads of secondary schools of the profile of the Albanian language and literature;
- specialists of local educational units of the “Albanian language and literature” profile.
Expected results
At the end of this training, the participants will be able to:
- evaluate the importance of Albanian language and literature subjects in pre-university education;
- analyze the results of learning the key competencies that are built and developed from the subject of the Albanian language and from the subject of literature;
- evaluate the importance of subject competencies in the development and general formation of the student;
- analyze the innovations and elements of the Albanian language and literature programs;
- identify teaching methods and techniques that create opportunities for the development of skills in the subject of the Albanian language and in the subject of literature.
Erida Koleci