The Compulsory Training Program (CTP) for Principals of Pre-school Education Institutions (kindergarten) is a mandatory training program offered for qualification and certification for Principals and Aspiring Principals of Pre-school Educations Institutions
Based on Article 15 and Article 22 of Law No. 48/2018 dated 23.07.2018 “On some changes in Law No. 69/2012 dated 21.06.2012 On the pre-university education system of Albania”, all individuals who will run a preschool education institution must continuously follow this program and be certified based on a standardized testing process.

Candidates applying to the Compulsory Preparatory Training Program for Certification of School Principals must meet the following criteria:

Hold a “Bachelor” degree in studies that qualifies as a preschool education teacher.

They are practicing the profession of teacher, at the time of application, in accordance with the provisions of Law No. 10171, dated 22.10.2009 “On regulated professions in the Republic of Albania” as amended.

They have work experience as a teacher and have at least the “Qualified Teacher” category.

They are not under the effect of the disciplinary measure, at the time of application.

This module provides participants with a solid understanding of leadership based on current research and practice. Participants will develop practical knowledge about the characteristics and actions of effective leadership in educational institutions and will learn about the key concepts and principles of successful leadership in early childhood education settings.
The art and science of positive communication are essential for the principal of an educational institution, fostering emotional security and utilizing psychological frameworks to build relationships with staff members, particularly during individual supervision conversations.
Current and aspiring principals will enhance their knowledge, skills, and confidence in staff management and facilitating large group meetings, simultaneously acting as managers and facilitators. They will learn methods for setting shared goals, motivating, and inspiring staff members as they engage in the process of quality improvement.

The kindergarten principal is a symbol for both teachers and children, while for other stakeholders, they embody the leadership of the institution they represent. Additionally, the principal is envisioned as the key figure who initiates and implements ideas to improve the kindergarten’s quality.
The principal is responsible for meeting national professional standards and ensuring that these standards are also upheld by the teaching staff. They establish the core values that guide the institution’s activities, forming the foundation for shared trust.
As the most influential figure in shaping the kindergarten’s climate, the principal plays a crucial role in ensuring quality, fostering a positive environment, and contributing directly to the development and learning of children.

This module provides participants with the opportunity to explore key issues related to the rights and responsibilities of teachers and kindergarten principals, including qualification, licensing, appointment, and dismissal criteria, as well as personal data protection.
Current and aspiring principals will gain an in-depth understanding of the legal principles that inform policy development and procedural frameworks in pre-university education, including pre-school education.
During practical sessions, aspiring principals will observe how kindergarten principals apply legal and strategic frameworks in work plans that involve the entire kindergarten, fostering a comprehensive approach to institutional management.

This module, divided into two parts, aims to develop leadership and pedagogical diagnostic skills for current and aspiring kindergarten principals.
Pedagogical Leadership: Focuses on principles of child development, the role of play in the learning process, and the creation of educational environments that foster children’s development, independence, and social skills.
Pedagogical Diagnosis: Enhances participants’ skills in collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data to improve teaching and learning. It includes observation plans, result analysis, and the development of recommendations for the professional growth of teachers.
This module supports participants in planning and implementing innovative practices to enhance the quality of preschool education.

This module addresses the concept and implementation of the curriculum in early childhood education, focusing on reforms that place the child at the center of the teaching and learning process.
Curriculum and Reform: Contemporary approaches are analyzed that aim to prepare individuals for active participation in society through lifelong learning competencies.
Implementation in Early Childhood Education: Focuses on the foundational level of early childhood education, with kindergarten principals leading the teaching process, including policies for special needs and minimizing the exclusion of children.
Theoretical Foundations: Explores child development theories and their impact on teaching, as well as pedagogical methods that support effective teaching and learning in early childhood education.
This module aims to empower leaders to implement high-quality curricula that promote effective and inclusive teaching.

This module addresses the importance of partnership between the kindergarten, families, and the community, emphasizing the principal’s leadership role in building and maintaining effective relationships.
Establishing Partnerships: Analyzes key concepts of partnership with parents and the community, involving all stakeholders such as children, teachers, and families.
Leadership Styles: Explores the role of leadership in supporting positive relationships between families and the kindergarten to promote children’s development and success.
Best Practices: Provides practical tools, resources, and activities that help strengthen collaboration between kindergartens and other community stakeholders.
Through this module, leaders will develop the skills to create a climate of trust, respect, and ongoing collaboration with all interest groups.

The necessary documents that the interested candidate must submit and the application method are defined as follows: Candidate data will be collected in compliance with Law No. 9887, dated 10.03.2008, “On the Protection of Personal Data” as amended. Documents required for application:

Letter of motivation of the applicant

CV of the applicant according to the Euro pass model* – Download the CV format

Copy of valid identification document

Payment mandate for the application fee in the amount of 1000 lek, to the bank account of the Center for School Leadership – see the Program Fees section

Official letter for disciplinary measures issued by the employer or the relevant ZVAP

Copies of university diploma, relevant lists of grades
* It is not necessary to notarize the documents, their copies are enough.

The Center for School Leadership will only accept online applications through the official website, the relevant application section. Before starting the online application, make sure that you have all the documents scanned in electronic format. The electronic documentation that accompanies your online application will be uploaded to the system through your application account that you will create.
Attention: Follow the video with the relevant instructions on how to perform the application.
Click here for the video tutorial
If you have questions about the online application process, you can write to us at: parashkollor@csl.edu.al

Fees for the Certification Preparatory Training Program are as follows

Application fee 1,000 ALL

Participation in the program 50,000 ALL

Device with certificate 0 ALL
Payment of fees is made only to the bank account of The Center for School Leadership:
The Center for School Leadership
Intesa SanPaolo Bank, Tirana
No. Account in Lek: 10787031801
IBAN: AL43208110080000010787031801
The payment of the fee for following the training program can be paid in full at once or through a maximum of 2(two) installments. On the date of registration, the participant must present the fee payment mandate (full or first installment). In case of payment in installments, the other installments are paid every three months during the training program

Frequent Q&A
- Ushtron profesionin e mësuesit, në momentin e aplikimit në përputhje me përcaktimet e Ligjit Nr. 10171, datë 22.10.2009 “Për profesionet e rregulluara në Republikën e Shqipërisë” i ndryshuar.
- Kanë përfunduar në Republikën e Shqipërisë, në një program të ciklit të dytë në fushën e mësuesisë dhe është pajisur me diplomën përkatëse, ose janë diplomuar jashtë vendit në një program të ciklit të dytë në fushën e mësuesisë dhe kanë kryer njehsimin e diplomës pranë Qendrës së Shërbimeve Arsimore.
- Kanë përvojë pune si mësues dhe kanë së paku kategorinë “Mësues i kualifikuar”.
- Nuk janë nën efektin e masës disiplinore, në momentin e aplikimit.
- Të kenë notë mesatare aritmetike të studimeve të ciklit të parë dhe të dytë ose ekuivalent me to, jo më pak se 7.5 (kriter preferencial).
- Të kenë aftësi për të drejtuar institucionin arsimor dhe strategji për përmirësimin e tij.
- Gjatë ushtrimit të detyrës si mësues, kanë ndjekur kurse të ndryshme trajnimi të zhvillimit profesional (kriter preferencial).
- Të njohin një nga 5 gjuhët e huaja të BE-së: anglisht, italisht, frëngjisht, gjermanisht, spanjisht (kriter preferencial).
- Paraqitja e Projekt Propozimit Vetëvlerësimi dhe Plani i Veprimit (40%);
- Testimi me shkrim me pyetje me alternativa mbi njohuritë e përftuara gjatë zhvillimit të moduleve të programit (30%).
- Testimi me shkrim për zgjidhjen e rasteve studimore që lidhen me temat e moduleve të programit(30%);