Direct training
Duration: 18 hours
Number of credits: 1 credit
Short description
Increasing the performance of teachers today is closely related to the characteristics that a teacher must adapt to the learning of the 21st century. This module is built in three sessions where the first session is based on: developing high qualities and measuring personal performance. The second session: refers to performance enhancement and positive change, elements related to communication, behavior management at school and assessment in learning; while the third session is related to teachers’ performance, related to positive participation in CPD and being effective in improving their practices.
Beneficiaries of this training
- recently appointed teachers;
- teachers of preschool and primary educational institutions;
- teachers of educational institutions of lower secondary education, basic secondary education and higher secondary education;
- teachers of educational institutions of vocational or oriented secondary education;
- teachers who aspire to improve performance and aspire to leadership.
Expected results
At the end of this training, the participants will be able to:
- analyze their performance criteria and standards;
- use strategies for positive changes in communication and relationships at school;
- use effective formal and informal communication;
- analyze case studies at school;
- use techniques to manage and prevent inappropriate behavior;
- manage and transform conflicts at school;
- apply learning based on problem solving;
- analyze effective learning approaches.
Aida Goga