The Compulsory Preparatory Training Program for the Certification for Principals of Pre-university Education Institutions (PUEI) and their certification is managed exclusively by the Center for School Leadership.
This program aims to equip the principals and the aspiring principals of PUEI with the Certificate of Leadership by following the training program specifically designed for principals of lower-secondary education institutions and higher-secondary education institutions of Pre-university Education Institutions.
The program is of a very high quality and is based on the successful model of the Avney Rosha Institute – Israel, for the training and certification of PUEI principals and it is tailored to the latest needs and standards of PUEI principals in Albania.

Candidates applying to the Compulsory Preparatory Training Program for Certification of School Principals must meet the following criteria:

They are practicing the profession of teacher, at the time of application, in accordance with the provisions of Law No. 10171, dated 22.10.2009 “On regulated professions in the Republic of Albania” as amended.

They have completed in the Republic of Albania, a second-cycle program in the field of education and have been awarded the relevant diploma, or they have graduated abroad in a second-cycle program in the field of education and have completed the calculation of the diploma at the Center of Educational Services.

They have work experience as a teacher and have at least the “Qualified Teacher” category.

They are not under the effect of the disciplinary measure, at the time of application.

Have an arithmetic average grade of the first and second cycle studies or equivalent, not less than 7.5 (preferential criterion).

To have the ability to manage the educational institution and strategies for its improvement.

During the exercise of their duties as teachers, they attended various professional development training courses (preferential criterion).

Know one of the 5 languages of the EU: English, Italian, French, German, Spanish (preferential criterion).

The necessary documents that the interested candidate must submit and the application method are defined as follows: Candidate data will be collected in compliance with Law No. 9887, dated 10.03.2008, “On the Protection of Personal Data” as amended. Documents required for application:

Letter of motivation of the applicant

CV of the applicant according to the Euro pass model* –Download the CV format

Copy of valid identification document

Payment mandate for the application fee in the amount of 1000 lek, to the bank account of the Center for School Leadership – see the Program Fees section

Official letter for disciplinary measures issued by the employer or the relevant ZVAP

Self-declaration form that the applicant has not been criminally convicted* –download Self-Declaration Form

Project for the development of the institution of the pre-university system based on the National Strategy for the Development of the Pre-university System in Albania. * – download the Project Proposal Format

Certificates of trainings

Copies of university diplomas, relevant lists of grades and the license to practice the profession
* It is not necessary to notarize the documents, their copies are enough.
** Download the given formats for CV, self-declaration form, project proposal, and fill them following the instructions given in the format. Once you have completed them, delete the instructions.

The Center for School Leadership will only accept online applications through the official website, the relevant application section. Before starting the online application, make sure that
you have all the documents scanned in electronic format. The electronic documentation that
accompanies your online application will be uploaded to the system through your application
account that you will create.
Attention: Follow the video with the relevant instructions on how to perform the application.
Click here for the video tutorial
If you have questions about the online application process, you can write to us at:

The applications will be reviewed by the candidate evaluation committee, according to the scoring defined in the Regulation “On the Professional Development and Qualification of Principals and Aspiring Principals of Pre-University Education Institutions in Albania”.
The Governing Board of the CSL announces the admission quotas for the training program every year. Candidates who pass the selection filter and are accepted into the training program will be notified by CSL in which cohort they will enroll and attend the training program.
The inclusion of the School Principals and Aspiring Principals in the training program will be carried out according to the quotas and the time and territorial scope determined by the decision of the Governing Board of CSL.

Fees for the Certification Preparatory Training Program are as follows

Application fee 1,000 ALL

Participation in the program 50,000 ALL

Device with certificate 0 ALL
Payment of fees is made only to the bank account of The Center for School Leadership:
The Center for School Leadership
Intesa SanPaolo Bank, Tirana
No. Account in Lek: 10787031801
IBAN: AL43208110080000010787031801
The payment of the fee for following the training program can be paid in full at once or through a maximum of 3 (three) installments. On the date of registration, the participant must present the fee payment mandate (full or first installment). In case of payment in installments, the other installments are paid every three months during the training program.

Compulsory Training Program (CTP) for Principals of Higher Vocational Education Institutions must meet the following criteria:

They are practicing the profession of teacher, at the time of application, in accordance with the provisions of Law No. 10171, dated 22.10.2009 “On regulated professions in the Republic of Albania” as amended.

They have completed in the Republic of Albania, a second-cycle program in the field of education and have been awarded the relevant diploma, or they have graduated abroad in a second-cycle program in the field of education and have completed the calculation of the diploma at the Center of Educational Services.

They have work experience as a teacher and have at least the “Qualified Teacher” category.

They are not under the effect of the disciplinary measure, at the time of application.

Have an arithmetic average grade of the first and second cycle studies or equivalent, not less than 7.5 (preferential criterion).

To have the ability to manage the educational institution and strategies for its improvement.

During the exercise of their duties as teachers, they attended various professional development training courses (preferential criterion).

Know one of the 5 languages of the EU: English, Italian, French, German, Spanish (preferential criterion).

The necessary documents that the interested candidate must submit and the application method are defined as follows: Candidate data will be collected in compliance with Law No. 9887, dated 10.03.2008, “On the Protection of Personal Data” as amended. Documents required for application:

Letter of motivation of the applicant

CV of the applicant according to the Euro pass model* –Download the CV format

Copy of valid identification document

Payment mandate for the application fee in the amount of 1000 lek, to the bank account of the Center for School Leadership – see the Program Fees section

Official letter for disciplinary measures issued by the employer or the relevant ZVAP

Self-declaration form that the applicant has not been criminally convicted* –download Self-Declaration Form

Project for the development of the institution of the pre-university system based on the National Strategy for the Development of the Pre-university System in Albania. * – download the Project Proposal Format

Certificates of trainings

Copies of university diplomas, relevant lists of grades and the license to practice the profession
* It is not necessary to notarize the documents, their copies are enough.
** Download the given formats for CV, self-declaration form, project proposal, and fill them following the instructions given in the format. Once you have completed them, delete the instructions.

The Center for School Leadership will only accept online applications through the official website, the relevant application section. Before starting the online application, make sure that
you have all the documents scanned in electronic format. The electronic documentation that
accompanies your online application will be uploaded to the system through your application
account that you will create.
Attention: Follow the video with the relevant instructions on how to perform the application.
Click here for the video tutorial
If you have questions about the online application process, you can write to us at:

The applications will be reviewed by the candidate evaluation committee, according to the scoring defined in the Regulation “On the Professional Development and Qualification of Principals and Aspiring Principals of Pre-University Education Institutions in Albania”.
The Governing Board of the CSL announces the admission quotas for the training program every year. Candidates who pass the selection filter and are accepted into the training program will be notified by CSL in which cohort they will enroll and attend the training program.
The inclusion of the School Principals and Aspiring Principals in the training program will be carried out according to the quotas and the time and territorial scope determined by the decision of the Governing Board of CSL.

Fees for the Certification Preparatory Training Program are as follows

Application fee 1,000 ALL

Participation in the program 50,000 ALL

Device with certificate 0 ALL
Payment of fees is made only to the bank account of The Center for School Leadership:
The Center for School Leadership
Intesa SanPaolo Bank, Tirana
No. Account in Lek: 10787031801
IBAN: AL43208110080000010787031801
The payment of the fee for following the training program can be paid in full at once or through a maximum of 3 (three) installments. On the date of registration, the participant must present the fee payment mandate (full or first installment). In case of payment in installments, the other installments are paid every three months during the training program.

Frequent Q&A
- Ushtron profesionin e mësuesit, në momentin e aplikimit në përputhje me përcaktimet e Ligjit Nr. 10171, datë 22.10.2009 “Për profesionet e rregulluara në Republikën e Shqipërisë” i ndryshuar.
- Kanë përfunduar në Republikën e Shqipërisë, në një program të ciklit të dytë në fushën e mësuesisë dhe është pajisur me diplomën përkatëse, ose janë diplomuar jashtë vendit në një program të ciklit të dytë në fushën e mësuesisë dhe kanë kryer njehsimin e diplomës pranë Qendrës së Shërbimeve Arsimore.
- Kanë përvojë pune si mësues dhe kanë së paku kategorinë “Mësues i kualifikuar”.
- Nuk janë nën efektin e masës disiplinore, në momentin e aplikimit.
- Të kenë notë mesatare aritmetike të studimeve të ciklit të parë dhe të dytë ose ekuivalent me to, jo më pak se 7.5 (kriter preferencial).
- Të kenë aftësi për të drejtuar institucionin arsimor dhe strategji për përmirësimin e tij.
- Gjatë ushtrimit të detyrës si mësues, kanë ndjekur kurse të ndryshme trajnimi të zhvillimit profesional (kriter preferencial).
- Të njohin një nga 5 gjuhët e huaja të BE-së: anglisht, italisht, frëngjisht, gjermanisht, spanjisht (kriter preferencial).
- Paraqitja e Projekt Propozimit Vetëvlerësimi dhe Plani i Veprimit (40%);
- Testimi me shkrim me pyetje me alternativa mbi njohuritë e përftuara gjatë zhvillimit të moduleve të programit (30%).
- Testimi me shkrim për zgjidhjen e rasteve studimore që lidhen me temat e moduleve të programit(30%);