Anila Alliu has 32 years of combined work experience as a primary education teacher, school deputy director, specialist in the Curriculum and Quality Sector for preschool and primary education, in the Regional Education Directorate of Tirana, and has been working as a specialist for more than three years in the Curriculum and Professional Development sector at the General Directorate of Pre-University Education.
She completed her studies in the “Primary Education Teacher” branch in 1990. She completed her studies in the Professional Master’s in Pedagogy with the profile “Educational Management” and then the Scientific Master’s in the “Management and Supervision of Educational Institutions” program.
In 2016, she was certified as a trainer of Junior Achievement modules in the new curriculum of the subject “Education for Society”, and since 2017 she is a consultant and trainer at Junior Achievement of Albania.
From May 2021, she is one of the trainers in the School of Directors, the training program for continuous professional development for current leaders, aspiring leaders, and teachers of Pre-University Education Institutions.