Elda Lako, holds the title of Master of Science in “Science in Education”. Her career began as a teacher, she continued as an Inspector in the Regional Educational Directorate in Tirana and continues to provide her expertize as a leader and trainer in the areas of “Education management and administration – oriented at the pre-university level, primary education and lower secondary education” and “Teaching Methodology”.
In 2016, she was certified as a trainer in the implementation of Junior Achievement in the curriculum with the subject “Education for Society”, continues to be a consultant and trainer in Junior Achievement of Albania.
From 2019 to 2022, she was a trainer and monitor in the “21st Century Schools” project. (British Council Albania, ASCAP).
Since May 2021, she is one of the trainers in the School of Directors in the training program for continuous professional development for current leaders, aspiring leaders and teachers of Pre-University Education Institutions.