Module: Student’s assessment based on achievement levels

Direct training

Duration: 18 hours

Number of credits: 1 credit


Short description


The module “Student’s assessment based on achievement levels” deals with the meaning of assessment in a competency-based curriculum, the functions that assessment takes and its types. The module addresses the two main types of classroom assessment, assessment for learning – formative (which monitors progress during the learning process, provides information on the rate of learning with the aim of improving teaching); and learning assessment – summative (which determines the achievements at the end of a chapter, semester, or school year.


Beneficiaries of this training


  • teachers of preschool education;
  • primary education teachers;
  • teachers of compulsory education;
  • high school teachers;
  • heads of educational institutions of pre-university education;
  • managers of professional networks
  • specialists of local educational units.


Expected results


At the end of this training, the participants will be able to:


  • identify the types of assessment and their characteristics;
  • demonstrate the use of evidence for observation and the collection of information related to evaluation;
  • explain through examples the use of different evaluation instruments;
  • demonstrate assessment of competencies based on achievement levels;
  • distinguish the levels of achievement according to the degrees;
  • identify achievement levels according to competencies;
  • define learning outcomes according to achievement levels for a learning topic;
  • use assessment instruments that measure progress according to the level of achievement.




Dorina Rapti – ASCAP

Erida Koleci – ASCAP

