Direct training
Duration: 18 hours
Number of credits: 1 credit
Short description
In this module, the focus will be on leadership as a process, the concept of management, organization, planning and, learning, from the teacher’s point of view. Professional training of teachers for the implementation of contemporary teaching methodologies and their classification. The module contains sufficient, useful, and very fruitful information for the target group in the training, helping them to understand and apply more accurately the expected data acquisition in the effective and quality learning process.
Beneficiaries of this training
- DRAP/ZVAP specialists;
- Principals of preschool education, primary education, lower secondary education, higher secondary education, professional education, special education;
- Teachers of all levels of education;
- The direct beneficiaries of this training are the teachers. Indirect beneficiaries are students.
Expected results
At the end of this training, the participants will be able to:
- identify the components of excellent teaching and learning;
- list the main characteristics that influence successful teaching;
- distinguish the auxiliary characteristics associated with successful teaching;
- carry out the assessment of a teaching based on key competencies;
- define achievable, but challenging goals for students;
- create opportunities for every student to achieve success;
- carry out a planning of successful teaching;
- reflect on various issues of debate about successful teaching;
- evaluate the indicators of the development of teaching habits.
Anila Alliu,
Klotilda Jaupi,
Elda Lako