Direct training
Duration: 18 hours
Number of credits: 1 credit
Short description
The participants in this module will build the necessary competencies for the establishment of the organizational structure of the institution, for the management of human and financial resources, as well as for management. During the development of the training, the participants must demonstrate values and attitudes that characterize the principal during his/her career as a leader, being a positive model for the teacher and the student, such as: dedication and enthusiasm, argumentation, original ideas, interest, encouragement, promotion of work in the institution, respecting the work of others, tolerance and acceptance of others’ opinions, critical thinking, facing challenges, etc.
Beneficiaries of this training
- Heads of preparatory classes, AMU, AML, vocational secondary education, special education;
- Specialists at DRAP/ZVA-s of AF, AMU, AML, vocational secondary education, special education;
- Teachers selected as part of the working group for the school’s annual and medium-term plan.
Expected results:
At the end of this training, the participants in the training will be able to:
- draw up a human resources and material management plan based on the needs and interests of the institution;
- create a financial plan at school based on needs and interests;
- manage a financial plan;
- carry out a continuous evaluation of the school staff;
- draw up a project plan and make a business plan;
- secure, monitor and allocate financial, technological, etc. resources to maximize improvements related to the school’s mission and goals.
Shkëlqim Allkaj